Frequently Asked Questions

Insider Market Research is one of the top companies that provide one-stop solutions for all the research requirements of our clients. Insider Market Research is mainly into providing reports of market research. Our team consists of experts of the domain who give the client unbiased insights on the market research. These market research reports are made in such a way that they fulfill all the requirements of our clients.

Insider Market Research is one of the few companies that provide a complete as well as a vast collection of intelligence market research reports from several global publishers. The team at Insider Market Research is very experienced and have extensive knowledge about the industry. This in-depth knowledge helps us satisfy our clients by proving timely reports that are of very high quality. These are some of the aspects of Insider Market Research that make us stand out amongst others in the market.

You can begin by using our advanced search engine to search for keywords that are relevant to the required market. Our advanced search engine algorithm is made in such a way that once a user searches for a particular keyword, all the other relevant results are also displayed, all in one go. When these results appear on your screen, you can go ahead and click on the titles to view more detailed information about the product. This also includes a descriptive summary as well as a table of content. 

Once you see something that you are interested in, the purchasing process is very simple. Click on the ‘Buy now’ button and select the license type that you would prefer (corporate user, multi-user or single user). Once this is done, all you have to follow the steps that are displayed on the screen. If you get stuck somewhere or do not understand how to continue the process, all you have to do is call us for further assistance. Our contact numbers are provided on the website. Our customer representatives are always ready to help you out. If you choose to, you may also discuss your requirements with one of our industry-specific research specialists.

Insider Market Research offers our clients with customized as well as syndicated market research reports. These reports include quantitative as well as qualitative research on various companies, various industries as well as various markets. The length of the report typically ranges anywhere between 50 to 100 pages. These are including market forecasts, exhaustive company profiles, and market dynamics. Most of the reports from Insider Market Research are stand-alone studies that are available in the PDF format.

The prices of the market research reports vary. The prices depend on a variety of factors like several primary interviews that are to be conducted for the successful completion of the study, length of the study, availability of the information through secondary research as well as the feasibility of the niche.

For the online purchase of our market research reports, we accept Mastercard, American Express, Discover, VISA and Diners club cards. We also accept wire transfers and company cheques.

  • A single user license, as the name suggests, grants access to the report to only one person in the organization and must not be distributed to anyone else within or outside the organization.
  • A multi-user license grants access to our reports to a maximum of five people which is to be used within the same department and the same organization.
  • With the purchase of an Enterprise license, the specific report can be accessed by any employee in the entire organization. This also includes any subsidiary companies or any other companies that are within a group of companies.